
Federal Budget 25 October 2022- few immigration related announcements

Filters: All AAT and Federal Court Appeal Business Innovation and Investment Visa Employer Sponsored Visa Family Migration General Skilled Migration Other Visa Types There were few immigration related announcements in Federal Budget 25 October 2022: 195,000 permanent migration places.   an additional $42.2 million to accelerate visa processing, resolve the visa backlog and raise awareness…

I received a natural justice letter however my Visa 186 granted eventually!

Natural Justice Employer’s relevant industry qualification had actually been cancelled. The case officer then doubted whether the business is still “active”. Issuing a Natural Justice means you have your last chance to explain and convince the case officer or you will face application been reject. We not only comprehensively guided both parties(employer and applicant) to…

Jing SUN

Jing Sun Principle Solicitor English / Mandarin Lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales Australian High Court Lawyer Federal Court of Australia Lawyer Notary Public Legal Practitioner Number (LPN) :5511227 Master of Laws (USYD) Bachelor of Laws (UNSW) Postgraduate Diploma in Translation(MQ) Bachelor of Laws (Jilin University, China) Ms SUN is the…

Mengxuan LIU

Ms Mengxuan LIU Legal Assistant​ English / Mandarin Bachelor of Marketing (SBTU) Graduate Diploma in Migration Law (VU) Ms Liu is the legal assistant of Sun Lawyers. She has much experiences in Australian visas. She is a valuable member of our team.  She has extensive experience with a wide variety of skill-based, state-based and family-based…

Training visa (subclass 407)

Requirements to be met by the applicant Have an approved temporary activities sponsor.    Your sponsor must have nominated you to participate in a program of occupational training unless your sponsor is a Australian Commonwealth Government agency.  Must be 18 years old or older at the time decision is made. If you are applying in Australia, you…


Mr Will ZHENG Legal Assistant English / Mandarin / Korean Bachelor of Laws & Bachelor of Arts  (USYD Current Student) Mr Zheng is a legal assistant at Sun Lawyers.  Mr Zheng is responsible for the following areas: Assisting Solicitors with application form drafting, application preparation and lodgement. Providing support to assisting Solicitors’ clients with…

Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482)

Stay Period You can stay in Australia for up to 2 years or up to 4 years. For Hong Kong passport holders may stay up to 5 years. The basic requirements for Short-term stream If you are in Australia at the time of decision, you must have substantially complied with any conditions that apply or applied…

Employer Nomination Scheme visa (subclass 186)

Stay Period This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently. The basic requirements for Direct Entry stream Must be nominated by an Australian employer whose business is actively and lawfully operating. Your occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations. Need to have at least 3…